Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Jaded Princess

Time goes by so fast, fast enough for me not to notice that I am supposed to be celebrating my birthday by early next month. I don’t feel it. The sensation which happens whenever my big birthday approaches is lacking. This is going to be my first time to spend my birthday without my family around me. Having my family around gives me an assurance that everything’s going to be fine. It’s not that it’s not going to be fine this time. I just feel different. I just don’t feel it approaching.
Maybe it’s because in a home where hundreds of strangers dwell, only very few of them, very very few, will only be the ones to remind me of my upcoming birthday. Not all of my friends and acquaintances knew of my birthday, and I doubt if they even cared at all. For sure they’ll be wishing for blowouts and bonding times but for sure, I’ll be wishing to spend that day with my family, who never asked for blowouts and stuff, since they’re the ones responsible for it. It’s my day. I’m going to do whatever I wanted to and I’m going to ask for everything I wanted to receive.
Less than a week, probably, I’ll be celebrating this supposed-to-be-big birthday of mine. By that day, I’d be a princess in the eyes of my friends. I would be a princess of my own, in a worn-out t-shirt and probably overused jogging pants. I would be a princess with no enough money to make up even a small party. I would be a princess, with only my royal friends around to celebrate with me on my birthday. Perhaps I’d also be expecting a call from my family then. I’ll make sure that there’d be no tears. It might be uncontrollably saddening but I just want this different celebration still as happy as it was before.
Nevertheless, my life would never pause at any moment, and I, a princess of my own, shall live it with whatever that’s going to occur, with my head up and both feet on the ground, wearing my magnificent crown.

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