“Philosophy is the science of wonder”- A.N. Whitehead. True indeed, because in philosophy we are made to think, to question our thought, and to be critical.
It is without doubt that at present, the most pressing issue that we Filipinos should be concerned about is the upcoming election, as it would be one of the most defining in our country’s history. With 10 aspirants vying for the presidency alone, the voters are truly in for a mind-boggling process. Objective reasoning must be employed in choosing a candidate to meet the purpose of the election- which is to select the right person for the job. Of course, many factors should be considered, i.e. political background, morality, wealth, etc. These factors are combined in a single package; a carefully designed description of the politician, which is normally channeled by means of advertisements.
When we refer to the truth, usually our first notion is that it is something that cannot be contested; an absolute, generally accepted statement. But what if we are presented with the idea that truth is not definite? That it varies from every culture, from every person? That it can be created, altered, and still made to appear to be true? Thus, we will begin to understand that truth is not infallible and certain. What may be true to us is false to another. And the capability to fabricate truth is directly proportional to wealth and power.
This is what ost of our radical professors point out. How politicians use truth to lie. Honestly, it is quite confusing; a sentence that contradicts the individual meaning of its parts. However, when he gave examples, it started to make sense. According to him, the political ads presented us with 3 things that they want us to perceive as the truth. First, the poor are noble. Second, those who help the poor are noble as well. And third, we can end poverty. Clearly, poverty is the common denominator. It is not wrong that they deliver these messages. What is unacceptable is that they presented only these. As what the quote, “a little knowledge is dangerous” says, these may bring false belief and hope to the people; considering that a majority of our population tend to easily accept a proposition without first contemplating. Most of us have not even noticed the failure of their ads to show the more important things. If the poor are noble, then why is it that no one said the truth that our country is in poverty? Why is it that the cause of this poverty not mentioned? And why is it that no one has a clear, tangible plan to end this poverty? It is because all of them know that in some way but in varying degrees, each of them is responsible. Poverty has many causes. But in our country, the main culprit is corruption; and they are afraid to be grilled on such subject because no one would be able to deny. Think, on the senatorial level for example. Why would they run for the senate and spend millions of pesos, if not a billion, for a meager salary of 35,000 pesos a month, when a bank manager earns more than that? What they are doing, instead of informing, they push ignorance. We are being impressed with the polished truth, of which, the raw material should have been way substantial.
A detailed look at their advertisements would further support the fact of their cunningness; how they reveal just the tip of the iceberg. First, there is Erap portraying the image pang-masa and that he is same as the poor. Many were actually being fooled by this; not thinking that all his life he hasn’t even had a minute of deprivation. Second, Villar, who brags about his rags to riches story. Yes, I don’t question his epic rise from poverty. But to say that he is where he is now without being unfair to anyone, or has not committed any unethical acts? Shame on him, and to those who believe his words. Third, Dick Gordon, who claims that he, is always there after catastrophes. Shouldn’t we ask him instead, what did he do to prevent those from happening? Fourth is Noynoy, who promises that he would not steal. Let us assume that he would truly keep his word. But then what is the use of him being honest, if he does not have the will to convict those who are not? He should realize that the president is not just the one with unlimited access to the national treasury. Then, there is Bayani Fernando and Binay. Both of them commit to their goal of doing to the whole country, what they did in Metro Manila and Makati respectively. The plan is good, seeing the improvement of these places under their administration. The problem, however, is how will they do it? Metro Manila, especially in Makati, is where the big businesses are. Meaning large taxes are paid to the local government, and thus more money for infrastructures and benefits. While, in a number of provinces, the only source of income is in agriculture. Lastly, there is Gibo Teodoro, and Bro. Eddie Villanueva. The former emphasizing his being a pilot and said that we will fly with him; to where, I have no idea. Then the latter, proclaiming that he is change. Again, no details, as to how it would be done.
It should be what we see is what we get. But with their propaganda? It is what we don’t see is what we get. It seems as if the goal of advertisement now is to modify the truth. It is infuriating to think how they intentionally blur the facts. We are paraded lots of so called truth during campaign. Then these truths vanish after election, the creators of which are expecting that we would forget. It just shows what these politicians think of the Filipino voters: foolish and unaware. We should ask ourselves then, are we really what they think we are? Are we idiots? Or are we simply apathetic?
They say that the responsibility for democracy to work lies on its constituents. Thus, we shouldn’t just be oblivious to what is happening. Nothing will happen if we, the voters, wouldn’t demand for the truth and stand by it. During one forum about 2010 elections that I had attended, a student asked that given all the facts that both the candidates and Comelec has lost their credibility to engage in a clean election, then what will happen to the country. What the moderator answered struck me. He said, “The election process is not the ultimate method for change. If we only depend on it, then nothing would happen”. What we should do instead, amidst all the lies that cloud our judgment, is find our own truth and assert it.